
Falling - Jamestown Story

【轻快节奏】Falling - Jamestown Story

Jamestown Story是美国Minneapolis(明尼苏达州)杜鲁斯的一支独立民谣乐队。乐队曲风轻快,配器简约,通常以吉他和钢琴为主奏。流畅爽利的旋律,充满诗意的歌词,让人全身的每一根神经都沉浸在时光的幽静中。

乐队成立于2003年。乐队成员: Dane Schmidt(Vocals&Guitar)/Brandyn Anderson(Piano)


I feel like I'm falling, seriously falling hard for you
oh forever's a long time but far from enough time to spend with you

I will always be there

So fall, I'll be behind you, I'll be there to guide you when you've lost your way
yeah forever's long time but far from enough time to spend with you

I will always be there

So go call your parents and tell them the good news
say you've fallen hard and there's someone that needs to meet you
We'll pick out a white dress and grab two golden bands
the world stared in jealously cause they don't understand like you and me

I will always be there

I feel like I've fallen, seriously fallen hard for you=

