
Gonna Get Along Without You Now - She & Him

【独立民谣】Gonna Get Along without You Now - She & Him

She & Him是美国独立音乐组合,由主唱,钢琴,尤克里里 Zooey Deschanel和吉他M. Ward 组成。Zooey 醇厚动人的唱腔,搭配 M. Ward信手拈来却又浑然天成的美好衬乐、与行云流水的编曲相得益彰,别具风味。

Zooey Deschanel是独立电影界的小天后,曾饰演《没问题先生》与《恋夏500日》等无数独立佳片。她从小便醉心音乐,对爵士与蓝调摇滚尤其钟爱,并尝试创作歌曲。Zooey因某次为一部电影录制原声带歌曲而结识摇滚鬼才M. Ward,两人随后组建She & Him,向他们热爱的七、八○年代复古流行风致敬。

《Gonna Get Along without You Now (Skeeter Davis Cover)》

Aha, mmm, hmm
Gonna get along without you now
Aha, mmm, hmm
Gonna get along without you now

You told me I was the neatest thing
You even asked me to wear your ring
You ran around with every girl in town
You didn't even care if it got me down

Aha, aha, mmm, hmm, mmm, hmm
Gonna get along without you now
Aha, aha, mmm, hmm, mmm, hmm
Gonna get along without you now

Got along without you before I met you
Gonna get along without you now
Gonna find somebody that's as twice as cute
'Cause I didn't like you anyhow

You told everybody that we were friends
But this is where our friendship ends
'Cause all of a sudden you'd change your tune
You haven't been around since way last June

Aha, aha, mmm, hmm, mmm, hmm
Gonna get along without you now
Aha, aha, mmm, hmm, mmm, hmm
Gonna get along without you now

So long, my honey, goodbye, my dear

Aha, aha, mmm, hmm, mmm, hmm
Gonna get along without you now
Aha, aha, mmm, hmm, mmm, hmm
Gonna get along without you now

You told me I was the neatest thing
You even asked me to wear your ring
You ran around with every girl in town
You didn't even care if it got me down

Aha, aha, mmm, hmm, mmm, hmm
Gonna get along without you now
Aha, aha, mmm, hmm, mmm, hmm
Gonna get along without you now

So long, my honey, goodbye, my dear

