
All Fucked Up - The Amity Affliction

【后核音乐】All Fucked Up - The Amity Affliction

The Amity Affliction的名字立刻在澳大利亚硬核和朋克团体中家喻户晓,金属旋律,朋克摇滚,咆哮的歌声混合在一起成为他们的标志。2010年他们发行了广受好评的专辑Youngbloods;Youngbloods是第二张非常出色的专辑。

后硬核(Post-hardcore)是一个发展自硬核朋克(Hardcore punk)的音乐类型,也是广泛的朋克摇滚运动中的一个分支,就如后朋克(Post-Punk)。许多后硬核的乐团都是来自硬核朋克乐坛,或是受到硬核音乐的启发,但这些乐团更关注于表达内心深处。

《All Fucked Up》

When I wake up I'm thankful I slept through the night
'Cause that is the only time I feel alright
Keep my eyes closed so I sleep the sadness away
When I wake up I'm sure that it won't be the same
All the panic, depression, the hurt and regret
Lying to myself "I don't think of death"
All the ups, all the downs, all the petty concerns
My whole world's imploding, I can't find the words
'Cause the truth is... I'm fucked up
The truth is that I'm all fucked up like you
Yeah we're all fucked up it's true
And the truth is, they don't hear the words we say
Yeah they all just turn away

If I wake up tomorrow just know that I tried
To find a way out without saying goodbye
All the panic, depression, the hurt and regret
Lying to myself "I don't think of death"
All the ups, all the downs, all the petty concerns
My whole world's imploding, I can't find the words
'Cause the truth is... I'm fucked up
The truth is that I'm all fucked up like you
Yeah we're all fucked up it's true
And the truth is, they don't hear the words we say
Yeah they all just turn away

Will you save my life
Or just say goodbye?
Will you save my life
Or just say goodbye?
Will you save my life
Or just say goodbye?
Will you save my life
Or just say goodbye?
Will you save my life
Or just say goodbye?

