
Two Fingers - Jake Bugg

【民谣摇滚】Jake Bugg - Two Fingers

天生的烟熏嗓加木吉他,巴格唱歌就是鲍勃·迪伦(Bob Dylan)穿越到18岁,稚嫩面孔掩盖不住开腔时的沧桑。

Jake Bugg(杰克·巴格),英国90后音乐小天王,在英国诺丁汉的克利夫顿地区长大。他12岁开始弹吉他,17岁在BBC的格拉斯顿伯里音乐节"Introducing" 舞台亮相。处女作《Jake Bugg》首周上榜即空降英国专辑榜冠军位置。

《Two Fingers》

I drink to remember
I smoke to forget
Some things to be proud of some stuff to regret
Gone down some dark alleys in my own head
But something's changing, changing, changing

I go back to Clifton to see my old friends
The best people I could ever have met
We skin up a fat one, hide from the feds
And something's changing, changing, changing

So I kiss goodbye to every little ounce of pain
Light a cigarette and wish the world away
I got out, I got out, out alive and I’m here to stay

I hold two fingers up to yesterday
Light a cigarette and smoke it all away
I got out, I got out, out alive and I’m here to stay

He's down in the kitchen drinking white lightning
He’s with my momma they're yelling and fighting
And it’s not the first time they're praying for silence
But something's changing, changing, changing

So I kiss goodbye to every little ounce of pain
Light a cigarette and wish the world away
I got out, I got out, out alive and I’m here to stay

I hold two fingers up to yesterday
Light a cigarette and smoke it all away
I got out, I got out, out alive and I’m here to stay

There’s a story for every corner of this place
Runnin' so hard you got out but your knees got grazed
I’m an old dog but I've learned some new tricks

