
Habits - Maria Mena

【低吟浅唱】Maria Mena - Habits

Maria Mena的音乐明晰透彻,毫无娇柔之态。这首与Maria Mena合唱的 《Habits》 ,简单不花俏的乐器编曲搭配诚挚的嗓音,充盈着情感的诉说。

Maria Mena,生于1986年,挪威唱作女歌手。以柔美又带个性的清新嗓音加上独具风格音乐创作,刻画了青春爱情里的一些琐事。 


I am a creature of habit
And I move in circles around you
I will admit there's a pattern
One I created myself

None of my lovers dared leave me
I grew impatient and stale
Didn't look back once I'd left them
Cause I always expected to fail

But this time it's different
The rules don't apply
But I need some distance to step out of line

So grant me this wish and meet me back here in a year
If we still exist, I can let go of my fear
Fear of normalcy
Fear of the solid walls of our future and let go of my past

I must be crazy to want this
Cause you are the girl of my dreams
(From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/m/maria-mena-lyrics/habits-lyrics.html)
But I'm prone to ruin the good things
Cautious 'round balance it seems

But with you it's different
The rules don't apply
But I need some distance to step out of line

So grant me this wish and meet me back here in a year
If we still exist, I can let go of my fear
Fear of normalcy
Fear of the solid walls of our future and let go of my past

So grant me this wish and meet me back here in a year
If we still exist, I can let go of my fear
Fear of normalcy
Fear of the solid walls of our future and let go of my past

