
Too Young To Go Steady - Karrin Allyson

【优雅爵士】Karrin Allyson - Too Young to Go Steady  

Karrin Allyson发行于2001年的这张"Ballads:Remembering John Coltrane"是爵士女歌手作品中唱奏俱佳的一张,由James Carter,、Bob Berg、Steve Nilson三位萨克斯风手分别担任John Coltrane的角色,演绎专辑中的所有曲目。

Karrin Allyson(凯琳·艾莉森),出生于美国堪萨斯州,当代爵士女伶,Concord公司的当家花旦之一。其歌声清亮优雅,以出神入化的歌唱神采轻松营造万种风情。出道以来的每张专辑都有相当的水准,值得一遍又一遍反复聆赏。

《Too Young to Go Steady》

Too young to go steady, too young
I hear him say
He says I'm not ready
(She, we're)
But then why am I feeling this way?
(Are we)

Too young, so he tells me
He says we'll have to wait
Why wait till it may be too late?
Can't he realize he drive me wild?
(She, she)
Is he made of stone?
Must he always treat me like a child?
(She act just)

Won't he ever own up?
I'm grown up?
Some day he'll be sorry
Some day just wait and see
He'll wish, he'd gone steady with me
(She'll, she'd)

