
Lazy Days - Dean Brody

 【乡村音乐】Dean Brody - Lazy Days(慵懒的日子)

Dean Brody的声音嘹亮干净,深情缱眷。他通过对自己生活情感和故乡轶事的讲述,表达了对美好生活的期许。

加拿大乡村歌手Dean Brody,出生于大不列颠哥伦比亚省杰弗雷镇。2008年签约Broken Bow唱片公司后出版了首支单曲《Brothers》。2009年4月发行同名专辑《Dean Brody》大获好评。2013年斩获素有加拿大格莱美奖之称的朱诺奖(Juno Awards)乡村音乐奖最佳男歌手。

《Lazy Days》

I love the way twirl your hair
Those overalls and flip flops you wear
They way you'd smile
Waiting in your drive
Hot sunday afternoons

You didn't mind my rusty truck
Swinging by to pick you up
I missed your sweet face
It was six long days
Since I'd got to hang with you


And we'd throw two fly rods in the gunrack
Sweet tea biscuits on your lap
Sing to brown eyed girl my guitar in the barn bridge shade
We're I'd number your freckles
And the times your fishing line tangled
And love on you in the meadow by round bales of hay
No, it ain't hard to remember those good ol' lazy days

And we'd stop by Ernies General store
Got two maple walnut icecream cones
Funny how they always seem
to get on your nose
 ?? ride with me

I'd cuss the moon tryin to get you back
Grap all the gears while you just laughed
Cause it was twelve o'clock
porch lights turned off
Yeah, and I was up the creek


Ain't it funny how we never could sell that old pick up of mine
Baby grap the keys and get the jumper cables, cause it's about time


No, it ain't hard to remember
Baby do you remember
I think it's time we remember

Those good ol' lazy days

