
Angel - Gene

【英伦摇滚】 Gene - Angel   


Gene,来自伦敦的四人前卫乐队,主唱马丁·鲁思特(Martin Rossiter)。队名取自50年代有"乐坛坏孩子"之称的吉尼·文森特( Gene Vincent)和摇滚乐人吉尼·皮特尼( Gene pitney)。乐队的风格沉郁,多变而辞藻不凡。主唱一副不屑的神色及古怪性情,与The Smiths确有几分相似之处。


Angel, some have it hard
Ambition mocked then barred
But we're created half to rise
Half to fall

Angel, this is your path
Past generations laugh
You were created in the shadows
A real fathers son
So here we go again
If your background
Stepsinto the foreground
They'll lock you away
Ignore the instincts to stay down
Keep history at bay
You'll have your day

Angel, you can't be blamed
You know no other way
Here's to your children
Why not just free them
And stop the pain
So here we go again
If your background
Steps into the foreground
They'll lock you away
Ignore the instincts to stay down
Keep history at bay
You'll have your day

Angel, you've done the work
You've had your speed dispersed
You've created one half to rise,
One half to fall

