
Dreams Are Better - Sophie Zelmani

【独立民谣】Dreams Are Better - Sophie Zelmani

选自Sophie Zelmani发行于2017年的专辑《My Song》。简单真诚的歌词、干净清澈的旋律,配合苏菲的浅斟低唱,诉说着生命中的忧伤和温暖。

苏菲·珊曼妮(Sophie Zelmani),1972年出生于斯德哥尔摩,瑞典民谣创作女歌手。1995年,苏菲签约索尼音乐,发行了第一张单曲《Always You》, 随后她推出了个人首张同名录音室专辑《Sophie Zelmani》。1996年,她获得了瑞典格莱美最佳新人奖。从1995年——2015年期间,Sophie共发行10张录音室专辑和2张精选集。

《Dreams Are Better》
You are always lonely
You spared me unknown
The love that once was given
Somehow lingers you might saw
You knew the dreams for me was better
Having to let them go
Yes you saw the dreamboat so much better
It's always saw
So many times I must have hurt you
Not finding ways like you
I've seen now you've been hoping
For me to be getting through
But dreams for me are better
Having to let them go
Dreams are always better
I know you know

