
In The Dark - Josh Ritter

【独立民谣】In the Dark - Josh Ritter

Josh Ritter清澈朴实的嗓音,优雅淡然、举重若轻的演唱,充满着特有的叙事性。

Josh在18岁时因为听到Bob Dylan的《Nashville Skyline》而将志向从神经外科医师转变为民谣诗人。在酒吧驻唱时期被爱尔兰团体The Frames发掘,进而被该团引介给更多听众。他以大学时代主修的美国文化研究为养分,创作出一首首精准素描社会百态的作品。

《In the Dark》

We started looking for you In the darker caves
We had a lot of love
We thought would light the way
We saw the wrecks of buildings
And ships that sank in starlight
We saw the ghosts of angels
That spoke of falls from tremendous heights
Don't you leave us in the dark (x4)
We saw your old flames
And some were burning yet
It made us smile to see
Just how well tended each was kept
But other fires were burning too

And I saw the battlefields
The dying Light Brigade Stretched out upon the wheel
Don't you leave us in the dark (x4)
Every heart is much the same
We tell ourselves down here
The same chambers fed by veins
The same maze of love and fear
We thought you were a saint
But the halo was an eye
It's hard to see how there could be
So much dark inside the light
Don't you leave us in the dark (x7)

