
Perfect Lawns - Matt Singer

【清新民谣】Perfect Lawns -  Matt Singer

选自Matt Singer发行于2012年的专辑《The Build》。这张唱片的音乐风格用一个字就可以形容:Summer。Matt Singer充满情趣的演唱,犹如明晃晃的初夏阳光,夹杂着醇厚甜味儿。

Matt Singer是来自美国纽约布鲁克林区的独立民谣音乐人,有着天生的喜剧感。他的音乐创作完全依靠自己的第六感,轻松惬意,充满天马行空的感觉。

《Perfect Lawns》

It's the cheating that you just can stand
Or the way that comes so easy
Waiting for the old foot two lands
It's we made up we back home
On our way on our way home
People tend to listen to the radio
On our way on our way home
It's perfect lawns road by
It's the beating that you just can stand
Or the way that it seems like nothing
Dog boots on his hand
Then you know that he hurt same too
On our way on our way home
People tend to listen to the radio
On our way on our way home
It's perfect lawns road by
Phone call after decent tower
Letter underneath your door
Flowers waiting by your pillow on his knees on his knees
First thing you remember is the local feel
That told you everything you need to know and be ignore
First thing you remember is the local feel
That told you everything you need to know and do ignore

