
Diamonds In The Sky - Husky Rescue

【独立流行】Husky Rescue - Diamonds in the Sky

来自赫尔辛基的温暖弛放之声,融合Easy -Listening,Chillout,Downtempo 等元素,超越电影配乐的声画质感。

Husky Rescue是由来自芬兰首都赫尔辛基的音乐制作人 Marko Nyberg 所主导的project,而 Marko 最早组成这个制作组合的目的,是想要制作出拥有电影配乐一般的质感,却又能独立出来聆听,超越配乐的范畴而能由旋律中衍生出想像画面的作品。 

《Diamonds in the Sky》

The mist of my swings
Swaying my rose white strings
I'm hacking the wind with my wings

I'm closing my eyes
I'm flying to restless night
The angels they smiled on my flight

I'm safe in my dreams
I'm casting my favorite sins
I want to believe this is real

The shining, the night
With diamonds in the sky
The sweet dream in girl's paradise

There's no way to sing
Playing my tambourine
Feeling the pinch on my skin

I'm closer to sky
The diamonds are flying high
Demons require my breath

The shining, the night
With diamonds in the sky
The sweet dream in girl's paradise

The shining, the night
With diamonds in the sky
The sweet dream in girl's paradise

