
As Time Goes By - Bryan Ferry

【流金岁月】Bryan Ferry - As Time Goes By   

来自著名电影《卡萨布兰卡(casablanca)》的经典插曲,保留了黑白映画时代令人回味的情怀。Bryan Ferry以爵士腔调为大家娓娓道出专属于那个年代的浪漫,值得你静下来慢慢地细心倾听。

Bryan Ferry(布莱恩 费瑞)生于1945年,英国摇滚歌手,音乐家,作曲家和演员。他是前华丽摇滚乐团Glam Rock的始祖乐团Roxy Music的主唱;单飞后步入创作歌手之路。Bryan Ferry横跨了70、80年代,以其翩翩绅士气质与深情嗓音著称。在2001年,曾获格莱美奖提名。

《As Time Goes By》

You must remember this
A kiss is still a kiss
A sigh is just a sigh
The fundamental things apply
as time goes by

And when two lovers woo
They still say "I love you"
On that you can rely
No matter what the future brings,
as time goes by

Moonlight and love songs
never out of date
Hearts full of passion,
jealousy, and hate
Woman needs man,
and man must have his mate
That no one can deny

It's still the same old story
A fight for love and glory
A case of do or die
The world will always welcome lovers
as time goes by     

