
Be Still My Heart - Silje Nergaard

【爵士女伶】Silje Nergaard - Be Still My Heart

清澈柔润的嗓音,犹如清澈的泉水,舒缓细致的流入你的耳朵。Silje Nergaard的唱腔有正统爵士乐的即兴况味,但是听来却又像诗歌的轻轻吟唱,有一点嗲,但不会甜得发腻。

Silje Nergaard,挪威爵士女歌手。她从十六岁就开始在爵士乐界崭露头角,在一个爵士音乐节上用她自由即兴的甜美歌声赢得了当时挪威乃至欧洲音乐界的瞩目。初出道的几张唱片在风格上并不完全是爵士乐,当中更有乡谣及民歌的元素声音。

《Be Still My Heart》

My heart's not lonely or broken 心不孤单也不残缺 

Is not of ice or of gold 不比冰寒不似金坚 

Nor has my heart ever spoken 我心未曾说与我知
To me when a love has grown cold 当这爱已渐渐冷却 

I felt not the faintest flutter 我感受不到一丝悸动
When you brushed my cheek as you passed 当你离开拂过我面庞
Nor will I willingly clutter 我无意将生活搅乱 

My life with these things that don't last 只为这短暂的无常
Be still my heart 止水如心心如止水 

My heart be still

If our eyes should meet then so-be-it 眼神交会已经足够
No need to trouble a heart that's hidden 无需惊扰深藏的心

Where no-one can free it 无人能给予它自由 

Only to tear it apart 除非将它一撕两半 

Be still my heart 止水如心心如止水 
My heart be still

Beware, beware, beware 且小心,小心,再小心 
Take care, take care 且在意,再在意 

Be still my heart 止水如心心如止水
My heart be still

