
Roll On Babe  - Vetiver

【独立民谣】Roll On Babe - Vetiver

Vetiver是一支以Andy Cabic为主唱的美国Folk乐队。乐队的名字“Vetiver”来源于一种东印度的香根草(或叫岩兰草)。这张发行于2008年的专辑《Thing of the Past》沿袭了Vetiver悠长婉转的风格,在Folk的基础上糅合Jazz、Swing等元素在其中,曲风温暖又催眠。

乐队成员:Andy Cabic (主唱), Brent Dunn (贝司), Sanders Trippe(吉他), Otto Hauser (鼓手) and Kevin Barker (吉他)。 

《Roll On Babe 》

Roll on Babe,
Don't you roll so slow,
when the wheel don't turn,
you don't roll no more.
I dreamt last night Ole Lola was dead
saw the apron strings all around her head
Roll on Babe, don't you roll so slow,
when the wheel don't turn,
you don't roll no more.
well I jumped a train,
when I want to go,
and for where she's bound,
I don't want to know
Roll on Babe,
Don't you roll so slow,
when the wheel don't turn,
you won't roll no more.
Well I've been drinking gin
I drank some whiskey too,
well I got hooked what you gonna do
Roll on Babe,
Don't you roll so slow,
when the wheel don't turn,
you don't roll no more.

